Maintaining good dental health starts with the choices you make in your diet. While many foods are celebrated for their overall health benefits, some seemingly nutritious options can have a hidden downside when it comes to your teeth. Understanding how these choices impact your … [Read more...]
Dental Insurance 101
We know that insurance can be awfully confusing, but benefits can be very beneficial. To make sure you’re getting the most out of your plan we’re breaking down insurance lingo with this easy-to-follow infographic. Now that you know the basics, check out our Insurance 102 and … [Read more...]
Do Expiration Dates on Dental Products Matter?
Expiration dates for milk and meats are entirely different than those on lotions and lipsticks. With the exception of medication, product expiration dates aren’t federally regulated. Some dental products have expiration dates and some don’t. Find out what you should retire if … [Read more...]
Genetics and Tooth Decay: Are They Related?
Have you ever heard anyone blame, or give credit to, their parents for their teeth? These researchers had, and they wanted to take a closer look into how genetics impact our dental health. To do so, they studied two identical twins with the same DNA to see if their dental health … [Read more...]