You’ve found a pediatric dentist and you’re ready to take your child to his appointment. But how will pediatric dental benefits work at this visit and in the future? … [Read more...]
Our 5 Favorite Tooth Fairy Books
Move over princesses and dinosaurs—Tooth Fairy books are the new stars in town. Why? Parents have a lot to deal with when it comes to teaching kids about that magical being that takes fallen-out teeth and exchanges them for presents. The concept may seem complicated, but these … [Read more...]
Why Your Teeth Feel Loose with Braces
“My teeth feel loose with braces.” Whether you’re a braces wearer of the past or present, you’ve likely thought those words—if not uttered them out loud. However far-fetched it seems, loose or moving teeth are absolutely normal for those in braces, and often the entire point … [Read more...]
Swimmers, Take Note of These 3 Mouth Concerns
Swimming pools require balance and proper care. Frequent swimming in pools can put swimmers at risk. … [Read more...]
Top Hot Weather Hazards for Kids
Between the heat, blue skies and sunshine, your kids can’t seem to get enough of their slip-and-slides, soccer camps and swimming lessons. But besides fun, hot temps can mean heat hazards. … [Read more...]