“My teeth feel loose with braces!” Whether you’re a braces wearer of the past or present, you’ve likely thought those words—if not uttered them out loud. However far-fetched it seems, loose or moving teeth are absolutely normal for those in braces, and often the entire point of … [Read more...]
“Toothful Tales” Children’s Book Teaches Kids the Importance of Dental Health
Do you dread the day when you have to take your children to the dentist? Dr. Jeanette Courtad, DDS knows this feeling all too well. She decided to make a change in the way kids learn about their dental health. She wrote a book series called “Toothful Tales” to promote oral … [Read more...]
Top 3 Tips for Parents: Get Your Kid’s Braces Off Faster
If your child has braces you may be wondering how long they will need to keep them on. The length of time braces will be on usually depends on the problem that is being treated. Most braces are on for one to three years. While years in braces may sound unpleasant, it’s … [Read more...]
Healthy Eating Activities for Preschoolers
You might love whole grains and leafy greens, but getting your kids to show the same enthusiasm toward a healthy diet can be tricky. To encourage a well-balanced diet in kids, here are 3 healthy eating activities for preschoolers. … [Read more...]
Dental Health of Kids in Care: The Shocking Stats
For some, dental coverage and proper oral health habits are overlooked. But for kids in a care program such as foster care, poor dental health is much more likely. The University of Glasgow conducted a study on the dental health of kids in, or recently in, a care program … [Read more...]